What on earth is a (Mid-) Life Coach and do I need one?

Consider a great coach of any sports team. They educate, motivate, uplift and have the strategic insight to push their team to excel. They identify the strengths of their players, celebrate their successes and also pinpoint areas for growth. That’s what I do, but with, you know, life stuff!!

b Do you often reflect on your life, feeling grateful for what you have, yet still sense that something is missing?

b Does the ‘mud’ of life experiences just stick and weigh you down?

b Have you put a lifelong dream or passion on hold?

b Do you feel disconnected from the person you once were?

b Are you crafting stories in your head that keep you playing small?

b Do you sense that there’s been a part of yourself hidden for most of your life, and now it’s clamouring to be set free and expressed.

If you have answered yes to any of the above, you might be in the “muddy middle” of your life.


The muddy middle is a phase you may find yourself in where you feel stuck, with something holding you back from being next level amazing!

My role is to listen, guide and cheer you on! Let’s take action and create a plan that curls your toes with excitement and inspires amazingness. Strap yourself in because it will be one helluva ride! We’re gonna let our hair down, raise some hell and have some fun doing it! *

Let me share a little secret many coaches don’t want you to know…you already have all the answers. Sometimes, you just need someone to ask the right questions.

The best part is that the middle, no matter how muddy, is not the end. Like a stunning lotus flower, once we recognise the power within us, we have the ability to rise from the mud and bloom.

*May involve meditation, the odd F-bomb and/or lavender