How often are you really looking after you? How often do you stop whatever you’re doing and say, ‘Stuff this, I’m taking a bubble bath!’ Whether you’re a parent, employee, business owner, student (or a combination of a few!) it’s fair to say that sometimes we get too busy to stop and nurture ourselves. More often than not, we attach guilt to looking after ourselves, because there is an email we should be responding to or last night’s laundry is still sitting in the washing machine.
We are embarking on a ‘Wealth of Wellness.’ Every day, for 21 days in a row, we share an idea on how you can focus on your own well-being, and mostly for less than a hour a day! You can start at any time. Print it off (print friendly version here ). Stick it to your fridge or pin-board. Let it be a constant reminder that you deserve ‘wellness’ every single day.